Withdrawal Request Form

Progress Reports

Do you want to request a progress report?

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Common Reasons for Withdrawing That We Can Easily Address:

  • No progression - we can review the skills with their coach and supervisor to focus on what the swimmer needs to progress and give you a progress report at your next visit
  • Coach changing - all our coaches are GREAT! We can make sure to speak specifically about your student to their new coach (or sub) so they are fully prepared to focus on what your swimmer needs
  • Scheduling Conflict - we get it - it's hard to fit it all in! We can easily move your swimmer's set weekly time to best fit your schedule - OR - we can mark your student as absent and you can get a makeup - that way you keep your great spot and continue the important swim lessons!

Once this withdrawal is confirmed, the spot is not guaranteed open if you change your mind, or re-enroll in the future.

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Please note the following:

  • Withdrawal notice must be given on or before the 18th of the month to cease lessons by the end of the month.
  • If this notice is not received on or before the 18th of your child’s final month, your card on account will be debited for the entire next month of lessons.
  • Example: If your child’s last month to swim is June, please submit your withdrawal request no later than June 18th.
  • All withdrawals are final. If you change your mind, you must re-enroll, but understand that space may no longer be available in that class.

I understand that if I did not turn in the withdrawal form by the 18th of the month I will be charged for the entire subsequent month.

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